曾幾何時 Chitika 是 Google Adsense 之外的另一個網賺平台,不過好景不常,Chitika 已在四月正式結束營運,而且由三月一日之後的收入均不會發放,不過相信大部分中文網站都不會使用,故對我們的影響並不算大。
Chitika 聲明全文如下:
Dear Publisher,
After 15+ years in business and millions of publisher relationships, Chitika is hereby shutting down and closing its business. Our sincere thanks to all our publishers with whom we have enjoyed wonderful relationships over the years. We wish you the best of luck and success as you continue to grow your traffic and revenue.
如此一來,Google Adsense 將繼續獨大,西方網站的選擇又少了而一個;至於中文網站,選擇本身就極少,Adsense 將會是唯一的網絡廣告選擇。當然,Yahoo Gemini 亦可以是一個選擇,但門檻似乎比 Adsense 還要高。